Tuesday, July 20, 2010


While at work, I have been reading papers about new materials with high electron affinities, unique steady state fluorescence emission dynamics of donor-acceptor molecules, Wittig-Horner-Emmons reactions using trimethoxyphosphines and aryl aldehydes. Suddenly, I was stuck with mild to moderate dizziness, otherwise known as vertigo. My eyes were oscillating back and forth trying to find a stable center point while my stomach evolves a consistent nausea. My head and body feels somewhat unbalanced and unstable as if I am going to fall over if the feeling gets any worse. I take a break, walk outside, walk around, sit down, lay down on a bench with the sun hitting my face. The feeling hardly changes, coming and going in mild undulations of uneasiness. I calmly check my smart phone for causes of dizziness and vertigo. A list of daunting causes appears within 30 seconds, heart disease, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, I think of my recent doctors visit where my bp was 110 over 70, stroke, brain tumor, I scroll down, psychological traumas depression, anxiety, well I do not feel depressed or anxious, low blood sugar, hmm I had just ate an hour earlier. I decided to get a croissant and chai latte which helped quite a bit. I still do not know what the cause was of my Veritgo.

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