Sunday, July 18, 2010

Toltec Wisdom

I stepped into an open doorway off of San Pablo Avenue in West Berkeley. My interest was purely out of curiosity and dissatisfaction after walking half a mile to a Mexican grocery store which had closed down just as I arrived. It was 9pm. Scattered about the entryway were tables and racks with numerous brochures, newspapers, and magazines related to yoga, herbal healing, music festivals and art gatherings. I wandered to the back of the complex and saw a locked glass door with a long hallway behind it, on the wall stretched a 20-foot long red and gauzy tapestry. At the intersecting hallway was located a wall mounted bicycle rack with a few polished cruisers hanging from the ceiling. My feelings were that this was a free-spirited place of meditation and austerity, not particularly asceticism. on my way out of the building I picked up the July/August 2010 edition of Commonground Magazine. On the cover reads "The bay area's magazine for conscious community living since 1974. Inside contains articles on the Future, Past and Present of Burning Man in Black Rock City, NV At home, I flipped through to an interview of Don Miguel Ruiz where he speaks about five agreements to living a wonderful life.

#1 Be impeccable with your word.

#2 Do not take anything personally.

#3 Do not make assumptions.

#4 Always do your best.

#5 Be skeptical, but learn to listen.

Here are some quotes from the interview,

"The truth doesn't need us to believe in it. On the other hand, lies need us to believe in them for them to survive."

"Knowledge becomes the last obstacle to reach the real truth."

"Attention is a bridge that goes from one mind to another to share data."
With some people I do not want to read their data.

"You must find yourself and recognize yourself as the love of your life."

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