Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Efficient use of time. Getting high on time management.

You don't have to be an extremely busy person to appreciate this posting. Time management is the art of accomplishing things you want without the need for a strong will or massive driving force. The idea is to break a project or goal into small manageable pieces. For instance, I want to write one hundred blog entries by August of 2011 in order to get used to the process of editing and drafting in preparation for completing a dissertation. Everyday time management is key to success so I will write a little bit every day instead of writing a 20 page essay every 2 months. Ultimately, thoughts will string together into a connected master piece of which every part can be taken as a vital piece to the whole. As opposed to writing many different non-linear excerpts which do not work together towards anything. That being said, I believe nature is non-linear and thus some non-linearity is to be expected in writing style, but non-linearity does not imply discontinuity.


SMART Goals to complete by January 1st 2011:
Write more than 30 blog entries
Go out on 5 fun and free dates.
Visit the Exploratorium and the Lawrence Hall of Science
Get at least a 3.5 GPA in all of my classes this semester
Choose a thesis advisor and write 3 pages of a first-year report
Apply for an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Sell my Ford Bronco II
Buy a touring motorcycle (need to decide what kind)
Get a motorcycle endorsement on my license
Pay off all credit card debt
Run a half marathon
Bike 100 miles

Goals for 2012:
Buy a blown-up vehicle and convert it to an all-electric daily driver vehicle.


  1. If your practicing editing, I'm just wondering if it is just me or is there something wrong with this sentence?

    "Once more, is that I string together my thoughts into a connected master piece of which every part can be taken as a vital piece to the whole."

    And is "master piece" better written masterpiece?

  2. Kog,

    thank you for your comments. I edited this morning's entry to give it more clarity. It is funny and sad that I wrote about editing and yet I failed to edit the post before publishing.
